My Favorite Book: Last words
Today in church we had the most wonderful lesson about my favorite book, the Book of Mormon.
Summary of the book: it's a history of people that lived in Central America from about 600 BC through about 400 AD- their wars, kings, nations, and all with a focus on how the people tried to learn about Jesus Christ, as dictated by the prophets of God throughout the history. The theme is definitely coming unto Jesus Christ and being perfected in Him. (PS- this has changed my life).
At the very end of the book, the last prophet who records anything is named Moroni. He watches his nation self-destruct through wars and he is the last remaining from his family. He wanders around in the wilderness for 36 years. THIRTY SIX YEARS. Alone. Utterly alone. I try not to be a Debbie Downer, but man- how much worse can it get? That's pretty darn bad.
But he continues to record as God inspires him to do so. One of my favorite scriptures is Moroni 7:45-48. That scripture about love has changed my life at critical crossroads.
Read the verses quick here:
But anyways. I digress. Today in church we talked about Moroni's last words. The very very last thing he put in this huge record of people over a 1,000 year time span. What could he possibly say to wrap up a huge record like this?
He decides, in his last sentence before he bids farewell, to talk about this:
"And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot."
Grace. Amazing grace. How sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found. Blind, but now I see.
Grace has changed my life, because it means I don't have to be perfect. I just have to want to be, and He can make up the rest. This has been so constantly true throughout my life. There have been times when I have been so fatigued I felt like I could not go one more step on my own. I collapsed and felt like I could never get up again.
That's when I know he helped me, because somehow I kept going, kept loving, kept working, even when I couldn't. He carried me. Gave me strength where I had none. Changed me when the only thing I put into it was desperately wanting to change.
These last words are so profound to me. This is what it's all about. There are little things I try to do- reading my scriptures, saying my prayers, trying to help others when they need help, giving of my blessings to those who need it more than I do. But what it's all about- the big idea- is that little by little, we are changed by grace. The blood that Christ shed actually has power in my life, and it actually changes me.
These last words are so appropriate for what the entire book is about.
I try not to be preachy, but the fact of the matter is that the Book of Mormon has changed my life, directed my hardest decisions, and changed me into a person at crossroads in my life. I have heard God talking to me when I read the Book of Mormon. Much of who I am and am trying to become is dictated by this book. It´s my favorite. If you need a good read for slow Sunday afternoons, or you need like major direction in life, or peace when you cannot find peace anywhere else ;), I would highly recommend it. :) But seriously.
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