Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pillow fighting!

Today's highlight at the orphanage was a pillow fight. The workers were vacuuming the floors and asked Little Sissy and Little Squirt to sit on the little bed by D's play pen in the room. I sat on the bed with them, and after the vaccumming finished, I tossed a pillow at Sissy and it kinda hit her in the face and she thought it was so hilarious. It turned into me tossing multiple pillows at Sissy and Squirt and them loving it. Then it turned into the worker also tossing pillows at their faces, but harder, and from farther away. They loved that. Then she started tossing pillows at me too. :) Mostly at the kids though. We were tossing pillows at each other, and the kids kind of tossed them back. It was so cute.

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