Sunday, October 6, 2013

How did he know?

Well, this was pretty much the best general conference ever. General conference is where we watch 8 hours worth of good guidance and life council from the leaders of our church. Why was it so awesome? Because 1- me and my roommates made a super awesome conference fort. Yeah, we take the King Benjamin chapters in the Book of Mormon seriously. :)

And Claire made homemade popcorn. And Cassie made homemade hot chocolate.

And we may or may not have used our internet cords for the primary support. And they may or may not have been tied to the pantry door. So the fort collapsed temporarily every time someone got hungry.

But besides the fort, 2- why conference was actually good was- I think I was just more prepared to listen to what they had to say. And, I had several questions in my mind I wanted the answer to. 

The moment of beauty came during President Uchdorf's talk. Somehow he said every single thing my heart was thinking about, the answers made sense and I felt really warm in my heart. 

The moment came where I had to pull my blanket up over my head so my roommates couldn't see me and I cried and cried and cried. How did he know that was exactly what I needed to hear? It was as if all the questions I had been wondering were answered. Like every sentence and every word he said was a clear, direct answer to another specific question I had recently wondered. I kept wondering, "How did he know? How did he know? How did he know the troubles of my soul and give me answers?"

That's how I know he's a prophet. 
"Whether by mine own voice,
or by the voice of my servants,
 it is the same." D&C 1:38

Today they were the same. There is no way he could have known I had all those questions. But God knew- because I'd been telling God. So, God answered me. Through President Uchdorf.

I know I am thinking about the gospel with the right lenses when I feel like I am in primary again.
It's so simple.

My fort became heaven
Christ was so close.
He loves me so much.
It's amazing that with all the people in this huge wide world,
 that God took the time to speak to me, 
Alana Fern Peters.

He must really love me.

I love Him too. A lot.


  1. Keep up the writing. I love it. I got to admit I was choked up in that talk as well. I sure like Uchdorf. He is inclusive. Love you.

  2. Can I just say that you make me smile? General Conference was amazing. Even President Monson said so. :)

  3. Gosh I love you Alana! I felt the same way about Uchdorf and his wonderful talk. Every time I hear him speak he is so filled with love for the people of this church. I too cried and cried during Elder Holland's talk. I was feeling overwhelmed with mother duties and raising a child with learning disabilities. Heavenly Father loves us so much. It's in the little and big things, everyday. Keep looking for them Alana! Love you.
